Early mornings

The last two days I haven’t been able to sleep. Things have been exciting at work. So I’ve been waking up at 5 a.m. Early mornings are simple. Everything is dark so there isn’t much to see. Your mind has just barely woken up so all of your focus is devoted to very simple tasks like brushing your teeth and putting on a shirt.

When I call a Lyft, it’s easier to find because it’s the only one on the street. When I get into the office, I have easy access to the elevators and kitchen, because I’m the only one here (I also play my favorite tunes out loud on my laptop speakers). I have easy access to my own thoughts because nobody else is awake yet to send me a message or ask for my time.

I also noticed in my morning meeting yesterday, when my boss asked me a question, I was sharp and ready to go, because I’d been awake 3 hours and my colleagues were just waking up. Maybe if you already work a job with a lot of time alone, it’s not so valuable. But in a people-role like sales, the mornings offer valuable time to start your day alone.